Erin and Ed hosted their annual pumpkin carving party on Thursday. I think this may have been the funnest one yet. Stephanie bought paint for Steven Richard and Carson to paint their pumpkins. They had so much fun doing that!! The pumpkins turned out great! Little Erik brought home the trophy for "Best Pumpkin 2009!"
On Saturday, Carson and I went wIth Renee and Jude to the Arboretum for Ar-BOO-retum. It was so much fun. The arboretum is beautiful. I can't believe I had never heard of it. Carson and Jude had a great time. There were games, moonwalks, pony rides, trick or treating, rope ladders, and more. It is the best halloween event I have been to!
A couple weeks ago, I got to babysit Steven Richard for the day. We went with Carson's playgroup to the downtown library to try out their story time. Carson's attention span still isn't quite long enough for story time. After the story, they had an arts and crafts project that Carson and Steven Richard both loved.
Afterward, we went with Renee and Jude to the park in the Heights. We had a picnic lunch and let the boys play. We had so much fun!