Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Family picutre

Ed took this great family picture at Ma and Pa's last Sunday. Thanks Ed!


I finally took Carson to see Santa today. We went to the Bass ProShop with has a great Winter Wonderland set up! Carson was a little scared of Santa for a second but after they talked about his toy tractor for a few minutes, Carson decided he could trust Santa afterward. He sat on his lap with a big smile and told Santa he wanted a dino for Christmas.

Afterward, we ran into Carson's friend, Walter, who was also there to see Santa. They played around on a boat for a little while and had a lot of fun!

Pajama Playdate

Yesterday, we met some friends for a breakfast, pajama playdate. Breakfast was delicious and the kids were so cute in their pajamas! Carson and I both had a great time!

Christmas at Ma and Pa's!

On Sunday, we went to Ma and Pa's to celebrate Christmas. As always, we had a blast. Carson always loves to see his cousins. It was especially great to get to see William who was home after spending a year away in Japan with the Marine Corps.

Happy Birthday Jack!

Carson's friend, Jack, had an awesome party at the Museum of Natural Sciences. The kids got to look at all the dinosaurs, pet a real live tortoise and lizard, eat cake and ice cream, and then finished it up with some toddler races. It was great!!

Snow Day!!

I got to stay home from work on Snow Day so Carson and I spent the day playing in the snow. This set a record for the earliest it has ever snowed in Houston. What a fun day!

Happy Thanksgiving!