Thursday, April 15, 2010

Putt Putt Golfing

Today, we met Carson's playgroup to do some putt putt golfing. I thought it may be pure chaos with all those 2 and 3 year old playing putt putt golf, but it turned out to be tons of fun. The kids loved it! Afterward, they rode the trackless train and jumped in the big moonwalk. We had a great afternoon!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My last day of vacation

I had such a great vacation. We stayed in town and just tried to do a couple fun things every day.

Today, we started out the day feeding some ducks with Carson's playgroup at Tom Bass.

Then we went to visit Winston.

We ended it up by going to Zoobilee at the Houston Zoo. This is my favorite perk for being a zoo member. Carson collected stamps in his passport for finding certain animals and then turned it in at the end for a coloring book and crayons. Along the way, he also touched a live turtle and snake, met some dancers dressed up at animals, got pooped on by a bird, and rode the carousel.

I am sad that my vacation is over. I am not ready to go back to work =(

Carson's 3 year old stats

Carson had his three year old check up today. Here's his latest stats:

Height: 39.5 inches (90%)
Weight: 42.6 lbs (97%)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Backyard fun!

I'm so excited that its warm enough to play outside with the water. Carson had a blast this evening. He was singing his own rendition of "Its raining, its pouring, the old man is snoring." Too cute! I also added a picture of my knockout roses. They are looking so beautiful right now!

Easter Party

Today was Carson's school Easter party. I was finally off for one of his school parties. The kids had an egg hunt, ate a special lunch, then made the most adorable craft project. Carson was very selective on which eggs he would pick up. Most kids just got twelve eggs as fast as they could. Carson had to decide if each egg was good enough. By the end, most of the eggs had already been picked up and we had to search for the last couple remaining eggs. It was a very fun party, and we get to do it all again tomorrow for Easter Party Part 2!

Roly Poly

We found this little doodle bug outside and Carson loved it! We made a little home for it in a plastic container. He filled up the container with flowers and grass and we went on a wagon ride to the park. At some point, the little guy went missing. We couldn't find him, but Carson just continued filling up the container with sticks, flowers, grass, rocks, pine cones, etc and talking about how much the roly poly was going to love all that stuff. It was so cute!

At the park

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!!

Carson looked so handsome in his Easter suit that my mom got him!!

Dying Easter Eggs

Last night, we took Carson to dye Easter eggs with Uncle Glenn, Aunt Amanda, and Addison. I thought he did a great job and the eggs turned out really cute.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Carson!

Time has flown! I cannot believe Carson is already three!! He had so much fun at his birthday party today. Thanks to everyone who made it to the party. He had a great time and he loves all the great presents that he got! Thank you!!!

Azalea Trail

Yesterday afternoon, Renee and I took the boys to the azalea trail in river oaks. It was beautiful! The boys were acting insane. They were running all over the place. They could barely sit still for pictures. We were able to get a few good pictures though.